Thursday, February 14, 2013

Season 1, Episode 5: World War III

    1. ::sigh:: Mickey, why are you letting Mouthbreather Rose cuckold you? You're way too adorable for that.  

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  1. Well, that's that. Momma Mouthbreather is still super annoying and Mickey is now willingly cuckolded. Nice, Dr. Who. Nice.  
  2. ::sigh:: Mickey, why are you letting Mouthbreather Rose cuckold you? You're way too adorable for that.  
    1. Ew. Momma Mouthbreather is wearing silver and gold jewelry. At once. On fingers right next to one another. Hashtag tacky. 

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    1. Oh, boo hoo. Why does the Doctor care so much about the mouthbreather?  
    2.  Because Rose is the best. By a wide margin.
     In the meantime, if she'd breathe through her nose, I'd like her a lot more.

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  3.  While I hold your opinion in generally high esteem, I'm going to put my response on hold because I only know one companion.
  4. Don't you have a boyfriend, mouthbreather? Shouldn't he be the one focusing on meeting the parents?  
  5. Seriously? You really want the Doctor to meet your mother? 
  6. ...says the woman sitting on the couch in an Orange Mound hoodie and baby blue yoga pants.   
  7. Ew. Momma Mouthbreather is wearing silver and gold jewelry. At once. On fingers right next to one another. Hashtag tacky. 
  8. Oh, hey, look. The tiny wooden cabinet they all crawled into SURVIVED A FREAKING NUCLEAR WARHEAD. What a surprise. Jeez.  
  9. Then again, I guess Dan Rather was a news anchor. And good old Walt.  
  10. That newsanchor is super old to be a newsanchor. I thought they were all supposed to be new a shiny and botoxed up?  
  11. Gross. Mickey and Momma Mouthbreather are still covered in farting alien goo.  
  12. And why are these farting aliens so obsessed with being naked in front of their family members? Jeez. Alien nudists.  
  13. Oh, boo hoo. Why does the Doctor care so much about the mouthbreather?  
  14. Even farting aliens like Skittles. I should write ads for candy companies. Everyone would buy candy, then.  
  15. Nice. The farting aliens are capitalists bent on destruction and really bad marketing.  
  16. Bwahahaha! The farting ET baby aliens react to vinegar like the Wicked Witch does to water. Hashtag dead.  
    1. Even the mouthbreather doesn't want to deal with her hysterical mother. That should tell you how annoying she is.  
    2.  Are you calling Rose ‘the mouth breather’? RUDE.
     I think it's rude that she's a mouthbreather! 

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  17. I'm fairly certain the Doctor just called the Slitheens' planet Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.  
  18. I always knew cops weren't to be trusted. Freaking farting aliens. 
  19. Even the mouthbreather doesn't want to deal with her hysterical mother. That should tell you how annoying she is.  
  20. "I bought him a cup of coffee. I never even asked his name." What a whore.  
  21.  Farting aliens that are wearing people skins have taken over London.
  22. Oh, yeah. The mouthbreather's mother annoys me. I blocked her out of my memory. For good reason. She's annoying.  
  23. Oh, Mickey... your sneaking around skills are sorely lacking. 
  24. Oh. Slitheen. And it's not even their race. It's their surname. How prejudicial of you, Doctor. For shame!  
  25. The Slitherin race!? Is that what happens when Draco graduates from Hogwarts!?  
  26. That's a handy little unlocking gadget the Doctor has there. Is that this sonic screwdriver you all go on about all the time? 
  27. Ew. Seriously. These ET baby aliens are super horny. I'm more than a little disturbed.  
  28. Aw, man. I leaned over to snag a piece of beef jerky and turned off the TV with my butt. Now I've got to start over.  
  29. "I need to be naked!" "Your body is magnificent." These are some horny homoerotic farting aliens.  
  30. Those are the fastest elevator doors I've ever seen.  
  31. Hah. That Doctor. He's so cheeky and full of helpful advice for evil adversaries when he has a way out of a sticky situation. 
  32. That ET baby is not being sweet. Someone should give him a time-out. And cut his nails. Claws. Whatever.  
  33. Wait. Are these ET babies the pig aliens that were farting? I forgot. Maybe I should have read over my last live-tweets.  
  34.  I'm glad. :) Some people don't, so I thought I'd be nice and give them the hashtags beforehand.   
  35. Those recaps are really helpful when you watched the last episode three months ago.  
  36. Joyous day. I can't wait to see those ET babies.  
  37. I'm back, bitches. If I remember correctly, this is the second part of a multi-episode arc.  
